Sunday, April 21, 2013

The World As I See It

Ok, so if you have followed my blog, you know I have changed the topic of my blog like 4 times. I'm sorry. That's annoying. I went from stories about my life to making fun of my own life to my opinions on the world to my different adventures. After thinking about all of the things I jumped around to, I realized they all told the story of my journey through life, so there you go.

We all have a life, correct? So, that means we all have a journey! That's so cool to me. Not ONE PERSON has the same journey as someone else. Life is so beautiful and has so much to offer, so we need to go out and EXPLORE, even if that means just exploring in your hometown your entire life. One small town has a lifetime to offer. Most people say you should get out and explore the world, which I totally agree with and totally want to do, but not everyone has that opportunity. So make the most of YOUR journey!!

With all of that being said, my blog from now on will tell about my journey. For those that read this, you are a part of my journey and I want to be a part of yours too. I love to hear about the life journey of everyone I meet. I love people and I love the intricate details of every life. I want to see the world through the eyes of others, and I want others to see the world through my eyes whether I spend my entire day on campus or I travel to China for three weeks.

It's a huge world and while I want to see it all, I think it's important to take it one day at a time, since we are not promised tomorrow. God already knows when my journey will end, so I have to trust that the people I meet through my journey and the places I go are all leading up to the end of the journey, which will end with the huge finale of Heaven with Him!!

I've already had quite a journey so stay tuned to see what else is in store for my little world.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


We all saw the coverage of the Boston Marathon yesterday and all of the tweets and posts with #prayforboston. It is such a sad event that should never happen, but really what do we expect?

God is slowly being removed from our society, so bad things like this are bound to happen. I do not think that God makes them happen, but he does allow them to happen to open our eyes to how much we need love, and God is love.

 The people that do these things do not have God present in their lives, and there is no way around that.  So should we stay inside, stop going to large events, stop running marathons, and stop doing things we love?? I don't think that's the answer. There's a chance for a terrible accident to occur any day, anywhere, and any time.

Our best bet is to get right with God and trust Him. If we do happen to be involved in a terrible incident like this, it won't matter in the long run when we are with Him for eternity. The only way to protect ourselves these days is to guard our hearts with love and pour at as much love as we possibly can.

Keep praying for the victims, but pray for the bombers too.,2817,2417801,00.asp

Boston Marathon Bombing

Saturday, April 6, 2013


"I can't go, I'm busy." I can't even count how many times I've said that. Being busy has such a negative connotation today. We are all busy in some way or another, so thinking you're busier than the next person is quite conceited.

I am guilty of being "busy" and I am challenging myself to stop using the word in such a negative light.  A good friend challenged me to stop using the word altogether, which is not a bad idea. Having something to occupy my time is a blessing. Living a boring life just wouldn't be fun, so maybe being "busy" isn't all that bad.

Another good friend encouraged me to alleviate the amount of things on my schedule and I think she was more than right. Having a packed schedule does not leave a lot of time for conversations with God, fun times with friends, or "Me-time."

Having time for yourself is important and absolutely necessary for growth. I hate being alone. I want to be around people 24/7, but sometimes I have to make myself be alone to just sit and reflect on the current state of my life and to think about the blessings and happiness that fill my world.

I encourage you this week to be a little less "busy." Take some time to go have coffee with a friend or go for a run at the park alone. Sometimes even laying in bed and watching a movie on a Saturday night while your friends are out can be a wise choice for your well-being. God created us to interact with one another, but he also wants us to be healthy and happy in and of ourselves.

Less busy. More happy.