Monday, May 6, 2013

Laughing in Chinese

Well, a week from now, I will be in China. CHINA. I can't even fathom that. I feel so unprepared and so excited all at the same time. Being immersed in a new culture and a new world is thrilling.

The only thing I know how to say is "Hello" (Ni Hao), "help me" (Bong wo), and "My name is Kaitlin" (Wo Shir Kaitlin). So, that should get me far... Hopefully, the pictures of words I took on my iPad will come in handy.

Trying to pack is the one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I used one of those vacuum bags that you can vacuum the air out of, but I didn't think about having to get all of those vacuum packed clothes back. Praying that there is a vacuum in the dorm I will be staying in. I assume they have vacuums right?? I have packed half of my tshirts and running shorts and half of my semi-cute clothes. Do I go for comfort or cute? I DON'T KNOW. (You never know when you'll meet your  husband-- airport, study abroad student, etc.).

I  also keep acting like I'm going to a third world country when China is probably more high tech than America. It is the fear of the unknown that completely freaks me out. Trusting in God is a must when partaking in an adventure like this. I pray that he gives me peace and that he opens my eyes to things I would not have otherwise seen.

Three weeks is quite a while. I have no idea what I was doing three weeks ago. I'm sure I will get homesick and miss the time with my family and friends, but I know it will be the experience of a lifetime. I want to come back to America and be completely changed forever. I think that's when you know it was a successful trip. I'm not okay with missing my brother's high school graduation or my best friend's birthday, so this experience better be worth it. I'll bring them back awesome gifts from the authentic Chinatown.

Life is too short not to take risks like this. It can be very scary, but all of the best roller coasters are. I'm ready for this really wild ride. Maybe I'll even learn how to properly laugh in Chinese while I'm there. It's a goal of mine.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Some Other Beginning's End

It's Dead Day/Study Day here at UNA so naturally I haven't studied at all. I've eaten a lot though. So, that's good. It's a bittersweet day. It's a day of rest, but also a day of work. It's a day of the end of the semester, but also the last dead day for so many of my dear friends.

Life is about beginnings. It's also about endings. I don't like the endings, but they do always seems to lead to really beautiful beginnings. This semester has been more than stressful and has thrown me several curve balls, but I got through it. I conquered it, and man, that feels good. God was always present to conquer it for me, even when I didn't acknowledge Him.

This year, finals mean more than just grades to me. They mean finalizing one of my last years of college and leading to the very last year of my undergraduate career. It's been such a beautiful time here and I'm not ready to let it go, yet. I'm thankful that I have another summer and another year to give to UNA and accept the blessings it gives me daily.

What will the summer entail? What will senior year be like? These are questions God already knows the answer to, and for once, I'm not going to try to figure them out. I'm going to live in the moment and let this ending unfold to another beautiful beginning. I've learned that life is so short, and people are so precious. So, I want everyone I come in contact with to know that and to know my God. If that happens in the next year, it will be the most successful of all 20 and a half years of my life.

What an adventure this year has been. So much heartache, struggle, and sadness, but so much life, love, happiness, and learning in the midst of all the little storms. God is good. People is good. Life is good.

Ready for life's new adventures to start now. Let's go.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


University Unites
Prayer in schools has been an issue as long as I can remember. It is uncommon to see large prayer groups while walking through a college campus, but today at The University of North Alabama, a large group of students stood in the middle of campus to pray for a beloved professor.

Dr. Larry Nelson is known by every person on UNA's campus and he is loved by all. He is a history professor and a mentor. He teaches religious classes and holds Bible studies for all types of students. He  welcomes students into his home with he and his wife.

UNA Family Comes Together 
Dr. Nelson was in a car accident on Monday April 29 and returned to class shortly after. After complaining about a headache, his wife and daughter encouraged him to go to Hellen Keller Hospital where doctors found a tumor on his brain and rushed him to Vanderbilt Hospital in Tennessee.

At 1 am Monday night, over 50 students gathered at the amphitheater to pray for Dr. Nelson and praise God. The same thing happened on Tuesday at noon. Students walking by joined in to pray for a man that some of them know as a friend and some had only heard of.

Tweet, Pray, Share
Social media sites were full of prayers for Dr. Larry Nelson and his family and updates were sent out every few hours to be reposted by students and faculty. It was amazing to see what an impact one man has made and the influence he has had on the faith of the students. He openly expresses his love for Jesus Christ and he and his wife use the campus as a mission field.

The tragedy that this man is going through is causing a revival on campus. I think that proves that God uses his strongest soldiers to further His kingdom. He has touched the lives of thousands of students over his years as a UNA professor. He has come to be one of my dearest friends, my mentor, my adopted grandfather, and a role model. I honestly cannot imagine UNA without him and Miss Verlie, but if God wants him home, then I know he has done far beyond enough for UNA. He has furthered the kingdom of God and lived life as a true Christian and follower of Christ. I have no doubt that he will see the streets of gold if God calls him home. 

For my selfish reasons, I hope that he does not leave us yet. I can only hope for many more "edifying gatherings" at his home with he and Verlie. I continue to pray for his healing, but also for the will of God to be done. Ultimately, God will be glorified and our hearts will have peace. Thank you God for sending Dr. Nelson to UNA to fire this campus up for you! Life is all about adventures and Dr. Nelson's journey has been a long, fun ride. I am glad our journeys crossed paths here on earth. So glad.


Perhaps She'll Die

It was just a regular, beautiful day at UNA, and I was giving a tour of the lovely campus. The family was great, it was perfect weather, and it was a great last tour of the semester. It could not have gone any better.

The family got to see the fountain, the lions, and all of the lovely people at UNA. We were near the end of our tour, about to go to the residence halls when I felt something in my mouth. I wiped off a black speck and thought to myself, "I didn't eat breakfast since I was late so what is this?" I looked away and wiped something else off my teeth. Guts. Bug guts. I WIPED BUG GUTS OFF MY MOUTH.

I continued to be awkward and apologize. I explained that there was a bug in my mouth. The mother laughed and I had to decide whether or not I should spit in front of this family or just swallow my pride....and the bug. I swallowed the remainder of the bug. Yep, I swallowed a fly. What's that old nursery rhyme? "I don't know why she swallowed the fly, perhaps she'll die." Yeah, I thought I would die.

I continued on with the tour and acted as if I had not just swallowed a fly. The only thing I could think to make myself feel better was that it was protein. So, on Monday, I had a fly for breakfast. Not waffles, not cereal, a fly.

Maybe I should learn to refrain from talking constantly so that my mouth can close for a few seconds. When it stays open, it's a huge entrance for the rest of the flies buzzing around that I didn't swallow yet.

But hey, at least I got my protein for the day and made the mom on the tour laugh a lot. What's life without a few weird mishaps every once and a while??

Tow Up

Well Saturday began in a rather adventurous way for me. It was not the good kind of adventure either.

I woke up to a call from a friend of mine saying, "Kaitlin, your car is literally getting towed right now." I responded by saying, "Like it's literally being towed?" I then jumped out of bed with no contacts in, pajamas on, hair similar to that of a lion's mane and sprinted downstairs. I still had drool on my  mouth from my slumber, also.

I walk out of my dorm to find a tow truck hooked up to my car. While my car was in fact parked illegally, I was not exactly pleased with the situation. I asked the cop if there was any way to stop the towing and she said, "Ask the tow truck man." Ok, well thank you for your help Shaquanda, I thought to myself. I proceeded to ask him and learned that I had to pay a $45 service fee for him coming out to tow it (even though he didn't) along with a $20 ticket and a $30 ticket.

Now I was fine with an illegal parking ticket, but the fact that I have to pay a ticket for blocking a fire entrance that firetrucks cannot even fit down is a bit bizarre to me, but hey I'm not a police officer so I don't get to make rules.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I had to sprint to the ATM in the student center to get money since I had no cash. Considering I had a fro and drool all over me, the dumb, cute, sad blonde thing didn't work for me this time.

After I waited for my car to be unhooked from the tow truck (not sure why I didn't at least video it), I went to park my car. I expected there to be plenty of parking, like the cop said, since there were not many people here on the weekend. Oh, but don't you worry, the honors bands were visiting UNA and all parking was taken up, including illegal spots. Cars were parked directly in front of signs that said "Do Not Park On Curb."

Were they towed or ticketed? Why of course not. So, I pitched my fit on the phone to Christy and finally found a spot. I then went back to sleep and decided to start the day over. Emotionally, I was just tow up.

Adventures of Kaitlin at its finest people.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The World As I See It

Ok, so if you have followed my blog, you know I have changed the topic of my blog like 4 times. I'm sorry. That's annoying. I went from stories about my life to making fun of my own life to my opinions on the world to my different adventures. After thinking about all of the things I jumped around to, I realized they all told the story of my journey through life, so there you go.

We all have a life, correct? So, that means we all have a journey! That's so cool to me. Not ONE PERSON has the same journey as someone else. Life is so beautiful and has so much to offer, so we need to go out and EXPLORE, even if that means just exploring in your hometown your entire life. One small town has a lifetime to offer. Most people say you should get out and explore the world, which I totally agree with and totally want to do, but not everyone has that opportunity. So make the most of YOUR journey!!

With all of that being said, my blog from now on will tell about my journey. For those that read this, you are a part of my journey and I want to be a part of yours too. I love to hear about the life journey of everyone I meet. I love people and I love the intricate details of every life. I want to see the world through the eyes of others, and I want others to see the world through my eyes whether I spend my entire day on campus or I travel to China for three weeks.

It's a huge world and while I want to see it all, I think it's important to take it one day at a time, since we are not promised tomorrow. God already knows when my journey will end, so I have to trust that the people I meet through my journey and the places I go are all leading up to the end of the journey, which will end with the huge finale of Heaven with Him!!

I've already had quite a journey so stay tuned to see what else is in store for my little world.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


We all saw the coverage of the Boston Marathon yesterday and all of the tweets and posts with #prayforboston. It is such a sad event that should never happen, but really what do we expect?

God is slowly being removed from our society, so bad things like this are bound to happen. I do not think that God makes them happen, but he does allow them to happen to open our eyes to how much we need love, and God is love.

 The people that do these things do not have God present in their lives, and there is no way around that.  So should we stay inside, stop going to large events, stop running marathons, and stop doing things we love?? I don't think that's the answer. There's a chance for a terrible accident to occur any day, anywhere, and any time.

Our best bet is to get right with God and trust Him. If we do happen to be involved in a terrible incident like this, it won't matter in the long run when we are with Him for eternity. The only way to protect ourselves these days is to guard our hearts with love and pour at as much love as we possibly can.

Keep praying for the victims, but pray for the bombers too.,2817,2417801,00.asp

Boston Marathon Bombing

Saturday, April 6, 2013


"I can't go, I'm busy." I can't even count how many times I've said that. Being busy has such a negative connotation today. We are all busy in some way or another, so thinking you're busier than the next person is quite conceited.

I am guilty of being "busy" and I am challenging myself to stop using the word in such a negative light.  A good friend challenged me to stop using the word altogether, which is not a bad idea. Having something to occupy my time is a blessing. Living a boring life just wouldn't be fun, so maybe being "busy" isn't all that bad.

Another good friend encouraged me to alleviate the amount of things on my schedule and I think she was more than right. Having a packed schedule does not leave a lot of time for conversations with God, fun times with friends, or "Me-time."

Having time for yourself is important and absolutely necessary for growth. I hate being alone. I want to be around people 24/7, but sometimes I have to make myself be alone to just sit and reflect on the current state of my life and to think about the blessings and happiness that fill my world.

I encourage you this week to be a little less "busy." Take some time to go have coffee with a friend or go for a run at the park alone. Sometimes even laying in bed and watching a movie on a Saturday night while your friends are out can be a wise choice for your well-being. God created us to interact with one another, but he also wants us to be healthy and happy in and of ourselves.

Less busy. More happy.

Saturday, March 30, 2013


Hi my name is Kaitlin and I’m directionally challenged. On Friday, Marissa, Taelor, Katie and I embarked on a journey to tour Bloomberg Television Station. (P.S. No one in D.C. even knows what Bloomberg is and if you’re in their boat, it’s financial and business television). 

We asked at least 25 random citizens where to go. The consensus was to go to the top of the Macy’s building. We have yet to know how to get to the top of the Macy’s building where Bloomberg is not located. We did, however, illegally get into the locked elevator that we thought would take us up to the Macy’s building. It somehow took us back to the ground floor.

We eventually found the unmarked Bloomberg building and arrived 30 minutes late for the tour. Therefore, we did not get to see the production room, but we did get the inside scoop on Bloomberg from Bloomberg employee Ned Waugaman.

After our four-mile adventure through the streets of D.C. and a break to see Bloomberg, we ventured back out to find Chinatown for dinner and shopping. We got lost again. Let me remind you that it is frigid and windy in D.C.

We walked in and out of at least 5 different eateries that were ridiculously expensive and finally found Fudrucker’s, a sports pub/burger joint. It was the highlight of the day--cheap and delicious. At this point we had also found the middle of Chinatown and it was 8:30 at night-- not the safest situation for four young girls from Alabama. 

After going the wrong way on the Metro and walking miles and miles in the cold, we headed back to the hotel. I fell asleep in my clothes as soon as I hit the hotel bed.

After that day, we downloaded the Metro app on our iPhones and navigated through the city quite well. I’m hoping I do not repeat this misadventure when I visit China this summer. 

Reporting live from D.C., I’m Kaitlin. 

Good Day. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Keeping It Weird in D.C.

Since a lot of "hard news" didn't happen today, let me give a little report on my life.

Of course I got comments all day about my southern accent, which is never a surprise. I was not embarrassed at all by that. I did plenty otherwise to embarrass myself.

While standing at a table full of college students, (several of them being attractive 20 to 22-year-old males) I spotted the rest of my group. Rather than waving like a normal human, I threw up the star trek hand signal wave that I tend to do. I immediately regretted it and looked down at the table. The most attractive of the guys said, "Yeah. I saw that." I blushed, laughed in embarrassment, and scurried off.

Later, I pulled out my mini American flag in the mall and metro station. I forgot I had it when I got back to the convention center and began talking to students from Michigan. Not until after I departed from them did I realize I had been awkwardly waving the flag while I talked to them and had my mom on hold on the phone all at the same time.

Other than that, there were a lot of mingling with broadcasting professionals at different sessions and some dancing to Rihanna's "Pony" in a store at the mall.

I even keep it weird in D.C. y'all.

God Bless America.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

K Chap Takes DC

Hello from the nation's capital!

This week, I will be reporting live from Washington D.C.!

The past two days have been non-stop and full of culture and fun! Traveling is one of my favorite things to do, and having the opportunity to visit such a powerful, historical place is life changing. 

I witnessed a small piece of history on Tuesday night. We watched President Obama be picked up in a helicopter and flown from The White House to the base camp where the Air Force One is held to fly him to Israel. 

Whether you agree with Obama's principles or not, he is the leader of our country and deserves our respect. We spent several hours with a woman who works for him and she told us about his dedication to his children and his patience with his staff. Also, he is usually always late, which made me feel better about being late all the time. (I guess he can do that since he's the president, and I can't since I'm not). 

Seeing The White House, The Lincoln Memorial, the different war memorials, the graves of thousands and thousands of soldiers, the graves of The Kennedys, and the soldiers that now serve our country gave me chills and pride in my country. 

As I watched a flag billow in the wind and read the names of those killed in Vietnam, I was stunned. I walked up the steps to see the massive statue of Lincoln and thanked God for blessing our country with such strong leaders. 

We live in a country full of honor and freedom, and I think we all tend to take advantage of  how special this place is. It has its flaws, but it really is great to be American.

Reporting live from D.C.,

I'm Kaitlin Chappell. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

College Kid Newsroom

Well, so far my blog has told stories about my daily mishaps or insightful thoughts. While my life will continue to be a joke I'm sure, I want to focus on more important issues and really give my blog a topic for readers to focus on.

My dream/goal is to work in news and ultimately become a Good Morning America news anchor. There are so many things going on in the world and, as a college student, I find that the events affect the college demographic differently than other demographics.

I will talk about hard news, novelty news, entertainment, pop culture, sad news, happy news...I will pretty much talk about everything.

Everyone has an opinion. Everyone has the first amendment right to share it.

Here's mine.

First of all, the news is important. SO important. We all talk about the news without even noticing. "Did you hear about...?" I hear that from so many different people daily. Whether we know it or not, we care about what is happening.

As a college student, I sometimes become wrapped up in the safe, fun world I am blessed to live in here at UNA. I think that we college students like to pretend that nothing goes on outside our little world. In reality, so many things are happening that inadvertently change our little world.

People say no news is good news, but that is not always the case. Bad things happen every day; being informed of those things puts life into perspective and encourages people to be the change and to cherish every moment.

From the College Kid Newsroom, I'm Kaitlin Chappell.

Good day.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Spring Breakers

So this new movie with Selena Gomez--- "Spring Breakers"-- is this supposed to be what your typical "sorority/college spring break" is like? If so, I am WAY off on my spring break plans.

Not every sorority girl goes to the beach to get completely wasted and hook up with various guys. Granted drinking and sexual activities do usually occur, I don't think it is quite as bad as the movie portrays. But maybe I'm just naive, which could be very possible.

I like to think that some college students (hopefully some really gorgeous single guy somewhere) does the same thing I will be doing-- laying on the beach with a bottle of water and a stack of books. Call me a nerd (everyone does), but that is the definition of a break to me. If you are an attractive twenty to twenty-five-year-old male that has similar interests, contact me immediately.

I am ready to relax with my friends, soak up some sun, and live in the fictional worlds of the books I read. The wildest I'll get is when we go out to dinner-- I'll probably out-eat anyone in the restaurant. Seafood is not something I play about.

Some students even choose to do mission work and volunteer work during spring break. So, maybe "Spring Breakers" applies to some college students, but don't let it fool you, there are still some of us nerding it up on the "family" beach. Does that mean I won't have fun? No. No sir. I will have the absolute time of my life. I might even go for some morning runs on the beach....IN MY SPORTS BRA.

Happy SB13.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Down the Drain

This may be TMI, so it's fine if you stop reading...

I was driving back from lunch today and I had drank about 5 glasses of sweet tea and 2 glasses of water, so obviously I had to use the restroom quite badly. I really thought I could make it back to my dorm.

You know when you need to use the bathroom and you can't focus on anything else? Well I'm a bad driver to begin with, and since I was preoccupied, I kept pressing and letting go of the gas, so I was going like 5 miles an hour, which didn't help me get to the bathroom any quicker. I was literally praying out loud that I would not pee my pants.

I finally pulled into a store near campus and sprinted in. Hallelujah. My little problem was solved...or so I thought. The toilet clogged up of course. I didn't do anything to clog it--it just clogged. I didn't really know what to do, so I washed my hands of it. (I also literally washed my hands).

As I left, another girl was about to walk in. I definitely knew her, and she definitely knew me, so I smiled and said hey. Instead of telling her about the toilet and explaining that it hadn't been my fault, I just went to get a cold coffee (of course).

She immediately walked out and gave me a strange look as she went to the men's restroom.

I can see it now-- front page of the paper, "Kaitlin Chappell Clogs Toilet."

Story of my life, right?

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Kaitlin vs. The Ants

We have all had to deal with pests of some sort. Sometimes the pests are little brothers, and sometimes they are ANTS. I actually googled the purpose of the life of an ant, because I know God did everything for a reason. I seriously asked Him why he made those terrible little creatures. Apparently they help with pollination, so I drew the whole flowers/carbon-dioxide/carbon-monoxide/us being able to breathe oxygen conclusion. So, thank you God for ants, but now let me go on my rant.

So I live in a residence hall (dorm) and it's really nice and cozy and big and great, but about a week ago I kept finding random ants in my drawers or on my pillow. After finally getting a clue and being intelligent, I went to take out my garbage and the entire black garbage can came alive with ants. I shrieked like a little girl for a few minutes and took the garbage can outside my door. I threw the lid in the sink and proceeded to vacuum up the little devils crawling on the carpet. I thought my ant war had been won. But no.

I kept finding ants crawling on my desk, so I used my Clorox cleaner to kill them. It became a game to watch the stupid things die. I would find them, spray them, then wipe them up. Every day was an ant battle-- K Chap vs. The Devils. I requested an exterminator, which I later called a terminator to this boy I had just met, so that was fun. (Dumb blonde much?)

About three days before the extermination of the ant army, I was talking to my mother on the phone while laying on the couch and I had a chocolate craving like I do every five minutes of every day, so I went to my desk to grab a mini Snicker's out of my vintage Hershey's jar. The events that proceeded might be to much for you to handle. If you are under the age 13, please stop reading.

I screamed at the top of my lungs eight times while my mother panicked on the other line. I finally regained the ability to speak and explained to her that I had not been attacked by a human, but I had been attacked. When I went to open the Snicker's the entire wrapper came to life with ants that proceeded to crawl down my hand and arm. After I slapped them/myself for a solid two minutes, I took the jar and the remaining Snicker's and put them in the sink to drown the creatures. I, of course, Clorox-killed the left behind soldiers. I threw away the Snicker's that had been opened, but I managed to salvage the unopened minis. I was not about to throw away a whole jar of chocolate.

I battled with the ants for a few more days before a little old man woke me up to come spray the magic stuff that kills my enemies. With no contacts in to see and my hair looking like that of Leo the UNA lion mascot, I welcomed the little old man into Room 213 to end the war.

Kaitlin won the battle and the ants died, but some of their offspring stayed behind and one comes out to fight every once in a while. I hate ants.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Teens and Tiaras

We have all seen, or at least heard about, the TV hit "Toddlers and Tiaras," but are pageants really like that? Yes and no. I recently competed in a Miss Alabama preliminary pageant at UNA and was immersed in the "pageant world." Now don't get me wrong, I made some lovely friendships and I had a lot of fun during this experience. I learned so much about myself. Pageants are not all about fake tans and makeup, these girls have to have courage and talent. The courage it takes to walk across the stage in a swimsuit in front of over 1,000 people is unimaginable, but it is an invigorating feeling. I performed to the best of my ability in every portion of the pageant and left everything I had out on the stage. The roar of the crowd after each of my performances was something I wish I could experience often. Having people cheer my name gives me such a rush. All of the girls that compete in pageants have to have the courage to face their fears. Pageants are about growing as a person, promoting a platform that is close to your heart, and furthering your education by earning scholarship money. Plus, who doesn't want to get treated like a princess for a day and wear a pretty dress?! Pageant girls are smart, and they work hard to stay fit mentally and physically. Now for the "toddlers and tiaras" side of it, there is a lot of makeup, spray glue for the swimsuit to stay in place, spray tans, manicures, hairspray, taping and sucking in. In most pageants, girls can be very "catty" and play mind games to psyche each other out. With university pageants, the girls are usually friends, but not all pageant girls play nice. There are girls that devote their lives to winning pageants and making it to the top, and they will do whatever it takes to get there. Friends can be made at pageants and fun can be had, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do to get that crown.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

All My Exes Live in.....Florence

It has been a while since I posted something funny that has happened in my life, so here it goes. I attended an event a few days ago where I knew my ex boyfriend would be. Of course that's an awkward situation because I'm an awkward human. It was a great event--free food and good music. That's all I could ever ask for. I had several friends there and it started off nicely. Within 10 minutes of being there, the Elvis impersonator kissed me on the cheek while making his way to the front, so that was rather embarrassing, but it was embarrassment that I could handle. It was actually very funny and I blushed and went on about my business. My ex boyfriend's ex girlfriend that doesn't know that I know she is his ex girlfriend also happened to be there, so that was fun. While talking to a group of people, my food plate with AN UNEATEN CUPCAKE got knocked out of my hand and food flew into the air. I quickly attempted to clean the food up along with a friend and my ex's ex. My former male companion saw the entire thing, of course. I nervously laughed and attempted to tell him what happened. (This is where my being awkward came into play, heavily). I think the worst part of the entire night was the destroyed cupcake. But, no worries, my ex's ex and I shared a cupcake later, so all was right with the world. I mean, why wouldn't I share a cupcake with her? Story of my life, right? As I left the event, the ex and his ex were talking and having a jolly ol' time. I left with Elvis's kiss lingering on my blushing cheek and the reminder that I should not be allowed in public.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

12 Things I Learned in 2012

2012 was 365 days of laughter, love, excitement, heartbreak, sadness, and learning. Now, it's all over and a new year has begun (if you're into keeping up with like when a new year starts on the calendar rather than just living each day to the fullest). With that being said, 2012 taught me a lot of things to carry over into 2013. For the sake of attempting to be witty, I decided to come up with 12 things that I learned.

1. It's not this life that matters, it's the next:

We worry so much about the things we want, the things we need, and what we do every weekend, and,  in reality, NONE of it matters. The only thing that matters in this life is how we prepare for the next life by making relationships that glorify Jesus and spreading His Word and His love. If we worry more about our clothes and cars, there's a huge problem. I know that I am guilty of this and I am aiming to be less materialistic and more "heavenistic" in 2012.

2. People change:

Everyone changes, even you. You may have been best friends with someone for years, or in a relationship with someone for a very long time, and then one day everything changes. It could be that you are going separate ways in life or that you just aren't as compatible as you once were. It happens, and you have to learn from it and move on.

3. People aren't always who you think they are:

Sometimes, almost always, what you see on the outside isn't what is on the inside. We are all guilty of it. There are usually only a few people that know you inside and out. We all have our flaws and the goal of life is to hide those flaws, right? That's the common misconception, which then leads to people having a facade that appears put together and perfect while their internal battle is killing them. It's hard to like who you thought someone was and find out who they really are. It makes you miss that person you once loved. I learned to let go of those people and try to do my best to be as real as possible to every single person I meet so that they can come in contact with one less person that is faking it.

4.  Love is a verb:

John Mayer puts it well with his song "Love is a Verb." You have to show love, not just say it. You can say you love a lot of things and a lot of people, but they won't believe it unless they feel it. Don't settle for anyone that only says it. You'll know real love when you see it. Give love every day.

5. Attitude is powerful:

Your attitude in a situation can make or break you. Positivity really is contagious and God encourages us to "Be joyful always." 1 Thessalonians 5:16. Having a bad attitude pours over into our work and into our daily lives. It's easier said than done, but just be happy.

6. Forgive AND Forget:

When someone does a wrong to you, it is very easy to just hold a grudge and have hatred for them. However, the best thing for you to do and the thing that God has commanded of us is to forgive them. But, the old saying says, "Forgive, but never forget." Forgiving and forgetting go hand-in-hand. You have to completely erase their wrong doing just as God erases ALL of ours.

7. Cherish every person and every moment:

You never know when today could be your last day or the last day for someone you love dearly. Do not take anyone or anything for granted. Time is precious and passes so quickly. Our lives here are but a vapor and before we know it our time here is up. Have you made the most of every encounter you've had and every day you've spent alive?

8. Love yourself:

You have to love yourself if you ever expect anyone else to. God created every single one of us individually and we all have very beautiful qualities that make us special. Embrace those qualities and use them to fulfill God's purpose. Don't compare yourself to anyone else because you are you for a reason. Love yourself and make an attempt not to think negatively about yourself or anything you do. Encourage yourself; it will help you love and encourage others.

9. Pay it Forward:

Make the effort to help out those less fortunate, or anyone for that matter. By doing something kind, you could start a chain reaction. God calls us to give up our possessions for Him, and what we do to the least of the world, we do to Him. A little thing can make a huge difference. Remember that every day.

10. Practice What You Preach:

It's all fun and games to say you love Jesus and love doing things for Him and for others, but are you a fan of Jesus or a follower? Fans know about Him and tweet and post verses about Him, but anyone can say they love God. A follower gives up their life for Him and does everything for His glory. Saying one thing and doing another is confusing to those that do no believe. Don't be lukewarm. Say you love God and mean it by practicing it day by day. Actions really do speak much, much louder than words. I've learned this. There are times when I talk a good talk, but when I think about it, I haven't lived according to what I said our thought. I have learned to be more intentional in things I do, intentional to show God's love and serve Him in all things.

11. Do Something That Makes You Happy:

2012 taught me to stop pleasing everyone but me. While it is important to be concerned with the happiness of others, when you stop making yourself happy, you can't spread the happiness to others. Just because other people don't enjoy something you like doesn't mean you can't do it. If you love it, do it. Spend time with you. This is the time of your life to find out what you love to do. Explore and figure it out! Happiness is the best thing in the world, so reach out and grab it!!

12. There's No Such Thing as Cool:

Everyone always wants to be "cool," but what is "cool?" I for one do not consider myself to be very cool and I am finally ok with that. I've always felt the need to be "cool" and do the "cool" things that everyone else does, but The Bible tells us that we will be outsiders. (Needtobreathe tells us that too: "Outsiders").  The thing is, there's no such thing as cool! Everyone is a little weird and God gives us friends and family that accept our weirdness and love us for it. So, don't feel left out or "uncool." Chances are, the people trying to be cool aren't that cool. Pretending to be cool isn't cool, so just be weird and embrace it.

Overall, 2012 was pretty great. The last couple of months were a rough time for me and my family, but we got through it with God's strength. I learned more than I ever have throughout a year and for that, I am thankful. I appreciate the ones I love much more and I don't worry as much about trivial things. 2013 is looking promising and I hope to serve God more than ever and create memories, love, and laughter along the way. I now know what is important in life and that's what I'm focusing on. Taylor Swift's favorite number is 13, so this year has to be the best year of my life. So here's to learning 13 things in 2013!