Friday, June 21, 2013

Goodbye China...Back to America

Ni hao! Hello!

I have been back in America for about a month now, and I've never appreciated my home country as much as I do now. Its beauty and freedom go hand in hand to make it the best country in the world.

China was an absolute blast. Adventurous and life-changing are two words to describe it that still do not do it justice. The culture and the people were beyond interesting and changed me forever.

To summarize it as quickly as possible, there is smog pollution all in the air, babies do poop on the streets, the people are very kind, Americanized Chinese food is a big lie, the markets are very cheap if you know how to haggle, and the Great Wall is really great.

I met some incredible people from around the world as well as Chinese natives. There is a certain peace and serenity in the air, not just pollution. The parks are beautiful and the art of Tai Chi is prevalent among the people, which I got the chance to learn. My heart was full of joy from being immersed in the culture.

I did not kidnap a child, although I had several opportunities. I fell in love with every baby I saw, and a little girl on the Great Wall in particular. My plan to adopt a Chinese baby is stronger than ever. Korah, I'll see you soon.

I got very comfortable while in China and adapted quickly. I felt at home. It increased my desire to travel more than ever before. The world is vast and beautiful and here for our exploration.

The people treated me like a celebrity because of my blonde curls and looks that were opposite of theirs. It was nice to feel famous for a few days.

I did meet many sweet new friends, one in particular was actually a Christian. After I commented on her cross necklace, she revealed her beliefs to me. She said a group on their campus meets to study and pray regularly. That was my favorite thing I learned while overseas. I hope her faith spreads to more of the Chinese people very soon.

I leaned a lot about the world and myself while in China. It changed me and opened my eyes to so many things. I'm so grateful for the experience I got and hope to help others have the same experience.

I love America and all it represents. I'm so proud to be an American, and I can't wait for the 4th of July celebrations. A little piece of my heart is in China, but my home will always be here in the south of my favorite country.

Thank you, China, for everything.

God Bless America.

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