Saturday, November 19, 2011

Never Open Your Umbrella Inside- It Brings Bad Luck

So this week has been nothing out of the ordinary, just another week in the life of K Chap. It started out like every other week, late for class every day and late for everything else possible. One particular day, I woke up late for my test- I had 30 minutes to get ready and study before my exam. As I was applying mascara in hopes of making my frazzled self look somewhat decent, my power went out. I stood in the dark, mascara brush in hand, for approximately 30 seconds when I realized I had to hurry. I stepped outside where the light in the hall was still on and quickly finished my makeup. I returned to my bathroom and applied blush in the dark, hoping it was dispersed evenly. After putting clothes on in the dark, my lights came back on. I left with 5 minutes to get to my test. For once I was prepared for the rain. After being in college for a year and a half, I had finally purchased a new umbrella the previous day. As I opened my umbrella and began to walk, it broke and flipped upside down. I sat the open umbrella down in class as everyone stared. After my test, I proceeded to walk back outside with my upside down umbrella when a girl asked, "Kaitlin, why is your umbrella upside down?" Thinking to myself, "Oh I just wanted to be different," I told her it had broken. She proceeded to ask me why I had not tried to fix it. Again thinking to myself, "I obviously attempted to fix it right away," I told her I tried. The wind then blew the umbrella back down only to blow it back up an hour later. As I strolled to class giggling under my upside down umbrella, the students that passed me definitely got a good laugh out of my silly luck. Needless to say, leaving an umbrella open inside must indeed bring bad luck.

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