Tuesday, January 8, 2013

12 Things I Learned in 2012

2012 was 365 days of laughter, love, excitement, heartbreak, sadness, and learning. Now, it's all over and a new year has begun (if you're into keeping up with like when a new year starts on the calendar rather than just living each day to the fullest). With that being said, 2012 taught me a lot of things to carry over into 2013. For the sake of attempting to be witty, I decided to come up with 12 things that I learned.

1. It's not this life that matters, it's the next:

We worry so much about the things we want, the things we need, and what we do every weekend, and,  in reality, NONE of it matters. The only thing that matters in this life is how we prepare for the next life by making relationships that glorify Jesus and spreading His Word and His love. If we worry more about our clothes and cars, there's a huge problem. I know that I am guilty of this and I am aiming to be less materialistic and more "heavenistic" in 2012.

2. People change:

Everyone changes, even you. You may have been best friends with someone for years, or in a relationship with someone for a very long time, and then one day everything changes. It could be that you are going separate ways in life or that you just aren't as compatible as you once were. It happens, and you have to learn from it and move on.

3. People aren't always who you think they are:

Sometimes, almost always, what you see on the outside isn't what is on the inside. We are all guilty of it. There are usually only a few people that know you inside and out. We all have our flaws and the goal of life is to hide those flaws, right? That's the common misconception, which then leads to people having a facade that appears put together and perfect while their internal battle is killing them. It's hard to like who you thought someone was and find out who they really are. It makes you miss that person you once loved. I learned to let go of those people and try to do my best to be as real as possible to every single person I meet so that they can come in contact with one less person that is faking it.

4.  Love is a verb:

John Mayer puts it well with his song "Love is a Verb." You have to show love, not just say it. You can say you love a lot of things and a lot of people, but they won't believe it unless they feel it. Don't settle for anyone that only says it. You'll know real love when you see it. Give love every day.

5. Attitude is powerful:

Your attitude in a situation can make or break you. Positivity really is contagious and God encourages us to "Be joyful always." 1 Thessalonians 5:16. Having a bad attitude pours over into our work and into our daily lives. It's easier said than done, but just be happy.

6. Forgive AND Forget:

When someone does a wrong to you, it is very easy to just hold a grudge and have hatred for them. However, the best thing for you to do and the thing that God has commanded of us is to forgive them. But, the old saying says, "Forgive, but never forget." Forgiving and forgetting go hand-in-hand. You have to completely erase their wrong doing just as God erases ALL of ours.

7. Cherish every person and every moment:

You never know when today could be your last day or the last day for someone you love dearly. Do not take anyone or anything for granted. Time is precious and passes so quickly. Our lives here are but a vapor and before we know it our time here is up. Have you made the most of every encounter you've had and every day you've spent alive?

8. Love yourself:

You have to love yourself if you ever expect anyone else to. God created every single one of us individually and we all have very beautiful qualities that make us special. Embrace those qualities and use them to fulfill God's purpose. Don't compare yourself to anyone else because you are you for a reason. Love yourself and make an attempt not to think negatively about yourself or anything you do. Encourage yourself; it will help you love and encourage others.

9. Pay it Forward:

Make the effort to help out those less fortunate, or anyone for that matter. By doing something kind, you could start a chain reaction. God calls us to give up our possessions for Him, and what we do to the least of the world, we do to Him. A little thing can make a huge difference. Remember that every day.

10. Practice What You Preach:

It's all fun and games to say you love Jesus and love doing things for Him and for others, but are you a fan of Jesus or a follower? Fans know about Him and tweet and post verses about Him, but anyone can say they love God. A follower gives up their life for Him and does everything for His glory. Saying one thing and doing another is confusing to those that do no believe. Don't be lukewarm. Say you love God and mean it by practicing it day by day. Actions really do speak much, much louder than words. I've learned this. There are times when I talk a good talk, but when I think about it, I haven't lived according to what I said our thought. I have learned to be more intentional in things I do, intentional to show God's love and serve Him in all things.

11. Do Something That Makes You Happy:

2012 taught me to stop pleasing everyone but me. While it is important to be concerned with the happiness of others, when you stop making yourself happy, you can't spread the happiness to others. Just because other people don't enjoy something you like doesn't mean you can't do it. If you love it, do it. Spend time with you. This is the time of your life to find out what you love to do. Explore and figure it out! Happiness is the best thing in the world, so reach out and grab it!!

12. There's No Such Thing as Cool:

Everyone always wants to be "cool," but what is "cool?" I for one do not consider myself to be very cool and I am finally ok with that. I've always felt the need to be "cool" and do the "cool" things that everyone else does, but The Bible tells us that we will be outsiders. (Needtobreathe tells us that too: "Outsiders").  The thing is, there's no such thing as cool! Everyone is a little weird and God gives us friends and family that accept our weirdness and love us for it. So, don't feel left out or "uncool." Chances are, the people trying to be cool aren't that cool. Pretending to be cool isn't cool, so just be weird and embrace it.

Overall, 2012 was pretty great. The last couple of months were a rough time for me and my family, but we got through it with God's strength. I learned more than I ever have throughout a year and for that, I am thankful. I appreciate the ones I love much more and I don't worry as much about trivial things. 2013 is looking promising and I hope to serve God more than ever and create memories, love, and laughter along the way. I now know what is important in life and that's what I'm focusing on. Taylor Swift's favorite number is 13, so this year has to be the best year of my life. So here's to learning 13 things in 2013!

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