Saturday, April 6, 2013


"I can't go, I'm busy." I can't even count how many times I've said that. Being busy has such a negative connotation today. We are all busy in some way or another, so thinking you're busier than the next person is quite conceited.

I am guilty of being "busy" and I am challenging myself to stop using the word in such a negative light.  A good friend challenged me to stop using the word altogether, which is not a bad idea. Having something to occupy my time is a blessing. Living a boring life just wouldn't be fun, so maybe being "busy" isn't all that bad.

Another good friend encouraged me to alleviate the amount of things on my schedule and I think she was more than right. Having a packed schedule does not leave a lot of time for conversations with God, fun times with friends, or "Me-time."

Having time for yourself is important and absolutely necessary for growth. I hate being alone. I want to be around people 24/7, but sometimes I have to make myself be alone to just sit and reflect on the current state of my life and to think about the blessings and happiness that fill my world.

I encourage you this week to be a little less "busy." Take some time to go have coffee with a friend or go for a run at the park alone. Sometimes even laying in bed and watching a movie on a Saturday night while your friends are out can be a wise choice for your well-being. God created us to interact with one another, but he also wants us to be healthy and happy in and of ourselves.

Less busy. More happy.

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