Thursday, March 21, 2013

Keeping It Weird in D.C.

Since a lot of "hard news" didn't happen today, let me give a little report on my life.

Of course I got comments all day about my southern accent, which is never a surprise. I was not embarrassed at all by that. I did plenty otherwise to embarrass myself.

While standing at a table full of college students, (several of them being attractive 20 to 22-year-old males) I spotted the rest of my group. Rather than waving like a normal human, I threw up the star trek hand signal wave that I tend to do. I immediately regretted it and looked down at the table. The most attractive of the guys said, "Yeah. I saw that." I blushed, laughed in embarrassment, and scurried off.

Later, I pulled out my mini American flag in the mall and metro station. I forgot I had it when I got back to the convention center and began talking to students from Michigan. Not until after I departed from them did I realize I had been awkwardly waving the flag while I talked to them and had my mom on hold on the phone all at the same time.

Other than that, there were a lot of mingling with broadcasting professionals at different sessions and some dancing to Rihanna's "Pony" in a store at the mall.

I even keep it weird in D.C. y'all.

God Bless America.

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